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1.       Mary is _____110-year-old woman, last year she got much help from _____ UNICEF worker.
A. a, an            B. an, a            C. an,an          D.a,a
2. I wanted to buy your favorite hair clips, but there was ________ in the shop.
A. no one         B. none            C. nothing         D. nobody
3. The sandwich in the fridge ________ bad. Throw it away, please.
   A. smells terrible    B. is smelt terribly    C. smells terribly   D. is smelt terrible
4. -----_________ did your uncle leave his hometown?
 ----He ________ for nearly twenty years.
A.     When, has left B. When, has been away C. How long, has left D. How long ,has been away
5.Could you tell us ___________?
 A. what was wrong with him          B. which is the way to the nearest hospital
C. if there will be an exhibition or not   D. when did they get married
6. The foreigners don’t know __________ such busy traffic.
 A. what to deal with     B. what to do with C. how to do with   D. how can they deal with
7.We found _______ wise ________ the boy to solve the problems peacefully.
 A. it, for              B. it, of            C.that, for         D. it’s of
8. -----___________ does an elephant ___________?
----I have no idea. You can search the Internet.
A. How heavy , weigh   B. How much, weigh   C. How much, weight D. What, weigh
9. ----Be careful! You might get hurt.-----Thanks. I _________I ________ so close to tha machine.
 A. don’t know, am standing       B. didn’t know, am standing
C. don’t know, was standing      D. didn’t know, was standing
10. ----Need the government of Philippines(菲律宾政府)say sorry to China?
   -----Yes.they _____.Their behavior has deeply hurt Chinese people.
    A.need       B.must        C.can          D.may
11. The chairperson of the Students’ Union _______ many personal qualities is suitable _______ the post.
    A. with, of     B. of, for       C. with, for          D. of, with
12. He used yellow stationery __________it could remind him of the colour of wisdom.
A. in order to   B. so that      C. as a result          D. as a result of
13. ----He hardly had to keep silent about such a subject, ___________ he ?
   -----________, though he feels interested in it.
     A. didn’t , Yes    B. did , Yes   C. had, Yes         D. did, No
14. ---- Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.
---- ______ Have you got the prize in the race?
A. What for?    B. Thanks a lot.      C. Yes, I’d like to.        D. Why not?
15. _______good information! I have never heard________ wonderful news.
A.What a, such a    B.How, so       C.What, such   D.How, so a


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