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   )31.—      the small town is!
                   —Yes, it is more beautiful than    town that we visited last year.
                   A.How beautiful; the      B.How beautiful; a
                   C.What beautiful; a        D.What beautiful; the
   )32.We can a thankful every day, not just      (感恩节).. Thanksgiving Day
                   A.in     B.on      C.to      D.by
   )33.—The mountain in our hometown isn’t very      .
                   —I agree with you. Few      like to go sightseeing there.
                   A.touristy; tourists       B.touristy; tour
                   C.tourists; touristy        D.tourist; tourists
   )34.I like these photos and they can      me      the life living in the country.
                   A.think; over     B.remind; of    C.let; down   D.wake; up
   )35.—Could you help me put up the signs on the wall?
                   —      .
                   A.No problem       B.I hope so  
                   C.That’s all right     D.That’s a good idea
   )36.Computers are useful, for example, they can      sending e-mails.
                   A.use for   B.be used for   C.be used by   D.used to
   )37.If I      enough time, I would do better in my English exam.
                   A.will have    B.have had    C.had     D.have
   )38. We can’t put off       a plan of visiting the sick kids in the hospital.
                   A.to make    B.make   C.making   D.made
   )39.There are many beautiful flowers in the world, but in parents’ eyes, their children are the     of all.
                   A.as beautiful as      B.more beautiful
                   C.less beautiful       D.most beautiful
   )40.Keep quiet! I”ll      the exam papers.
                   A.hand in   B.give away   C.hand out   D.look up
   )41.The police found the lost car     .
                   A.with mistake      B.by accident
                   C.by mistake       D.with accindent
   )42.Why not consider     Kunming next holiday?
                   A.visit    B.visited      C.visiting    D.visits
   )43. My parents want to travel       .
                   A.somewhere peaceful       B.dangerous somewhere
                   C.somewhere boring         D.fascinating somewhere
   )44.The girl      is reading under the tree    my sister.
                   A.which; is    B.whom; is    C.who; is    D.that; was
   )45.I don’t know if she    . If she      tomorrow, I will tell you.
                   A.will come; comes      B.comes; comes
                   C.comes; will come      D.will come; come
   )46.He can’t work out the problem. Who can     ?
                   A.help out him       B.cheer up him
                   C.help him on        D.help him out


  1. 1.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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