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IV. 单项填空(共15小题,计15分)
16. Which of the following phonetic transcription(音标) is right for the underlined part in the word “studied
   A. /d/             B. /id/              C. /t/             D. /it/
17. I lost my way ______ a rainy night and my mother was quite worried ______ me.
   A. on; about        B. on; with         C. at; with        D. at; about
18. — When did you buy this computer? It looks so new.
   — I ______ it for only a couple of days.
   A. bought.         B. have bought      C. had           D. have had
19. — How was your last weekend, Jim?
— Great! I went to Red Star Farm and saw lots of ______ there.
A. cow            B. sheep           C. pig            D. horse
20. — Come on, let’s ______!    
— I just want to take it easy. My feet are killing me. 
A. study           B. chat             C. dance          D. listen 
21. There is _______ news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some?   
A. many           B. a few            C. a lot           D. little
22. — It’s the museum! So you _____ know smoking is not allowed here.   
— Oh, sorry. 
A. must            B. will              C. can            D. may
23. She is too young _______ up that mountain by herself.
   A. walking          B. to walk           C. walk          D. walked
24. —Do you know ______ that bicycle belongs to? —Oh, it’s Jack’s
   A. who             B. whose            C. what           D. which
25. I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow because it ______ 30% of the final exam.
A. sets up            B. puts up           C. uses up       D. makes up
26. If you listen as ______ as Lucy, you can also get good grades as she does
   A. more careful                          B. careful
   C. carefully                             D. more carefully
27. Be careful of the person _______ does not talk and the dog that does not bark.
   A. which             B. what            C. who          D. when
28. — Would you like to go for a walk with me, Allen?
   — I’d love to, _______ you don’t want to go alone.
   A. until              B. before            C. if            D. after


  1. 1.2013-2014学年人教版九年级英语上册综合测评
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